Books and Reading

I went home from the mall thinking how I would start this entry. (That's how excited I am)

I often said that If I had a lot of money, I would buy books.
I got 1,500 for Christmas, And I splurged it all.

The euphoria running through my veins is just enlivening. It mimics the feeling of being high on booze, where your thoughts run so fast and unhindered. I have lent myself to the command of my most guilty pleasure. Books.

booksI cannot explain how extremely jolting it is to be able to purchase books which you have long stared at from the shelves. I absolutely feel no guilt that I spent all my money on these treasures. With their absolutely smooth covers and clean pages, which wafts a peculiar smell of novelty unto my nose-- it makes me completely entrenched in happiness.

I bought four titles, each of distinct interest to me.

Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
I bought this one because of Cherry, a former Advo editor whose penchant for great books is to be emulated. I remember her citing this book as one of her favorites. The blurb (teaser) at the back cover explains why. The novel is about Madame Bovary, who pursues her dreams of 'ecstasy and love' to revolt against the ordinariness of her life. But then she eventually falls to feelings of corruption and suffering. I am absolutely intrigued with this work.

Mother Teresa, Come Be My Light
This book is a compilation of private correspondence that Mother Teresa wrote her confidants. I heard this book reviewed in CNN once because some passages that Mother Teresa wrote paints her to be in the dark about whether or not God is still with her. I think it would enlighten me towards the path to God I am trying to arm myself for.

Cathecism of the Catholic Church
This may come off as closed minded, but I believe that the Catholic Church is the one true religion. I still cannot substantially defend this at this point in time, but I want to start knowing about my Church and how it could help me understand God and my existence.

Waiting by Ha Jin
I was initially looking for Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden. However it was out of stock so I tried to pick out a fiction novel which has a pretty interesting blurb. Waiting is a story set in China about Lin Kong, a doctor who is ardently in love with Manna Wu, an modern educated woman. However Lin Kong already had a wife and family. He tried divorcing his wife every summer for 17 years, but he always failed. After eighteen years though, he promises it would turn out differently.

I am hoping to finish these books within a month. Thus I would be temporarily retiring from net activities, as it could be disruptive to my reading. Golay, I'm sooo stoked!

P.S. I am open to trading. Just offer me some good titles :D